
Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Logistics domain.

Logistics NL
  • Natasha Marks: How diversity goes further than being a simple regulation

    Natasha Marks: How diversity goes further than being a simple regulation

    “Sustainability is so over the top; I am sick of it” A common statement that is made when it comes down to sustainability but is it sustainability...

    • Student work
  • Mathijs Oude Vrielink: is cargo hitching feasible in Noord-Brabant?

    Mathijs Oude Vrielink: is cargo hitching feasible in Noord-Brabant?

    My research focuses on cargo hitching, which revolves around optimising transportation by combining goods and passenger flows. The idea is simple yet...

    • Stories
    • Student work
  • Sjoerd Wagenaar: the real reason why transport companies opt for electric driving

    Sjoerd Wagenaar: the real reason why transport companies opt for electric driving

    My research focused on the actual reasons why Dutch transport companies choose electric trucks. Specifically, I investigated whether these companies...

    • Stories
    • Student work
  • Piles of Clothes - Reverse Logistics

    Piles of Clothes - Reverse Logistics

    These days, everybody orders clothes online. Fewer people are going to the stores to buy clothes. That is a big change if you look back ten years ago...

    • Student work
  • Disaster Logistics

    Disaster Logistics

    During a calm, summer night on the 8th of August 2017, 25 people lost their lives and more than 60 000 were left without any source of electricity. An...

    • Student work
  • Tourismphobia


    “Tourism kills the city”, “Tourism = Terrorism”, “Tourist: Your luxury trip, my daily misery’’ – These are just a few examples of anti-tourism slogans...

    • Student work
  • The contractors’ nightmare – became a reality?

    The contractors’ nightmare – became a reality?

    Impact of COVID-19 on the supply chain in the construction field.

    • Student work
  • The future of delivery drones

    The future of delivery drones

    The slow collapse of the drone delivery dream. Will they ever take-off?  

    • Student work
  • Disruptive effects of COVID-19 on modern supply chains

    Disruptive effects of COVID-19 on modern supply chains

    This paper aims to analyze how companies have responded to changes in supply and demand and to examine what lessons have been learned from this crisis...

    • Student work
  • Invest in logistical data analytics capabilities

    Invest in logistical data analytics capabilities

    Want to stay ahead of your competitors? Then invest in logistical data analytics capabilities! A whitepaper on becoming resilient and gaining...

    • Student work
  • Sustainable Last Mile

    Sustainable Last Mile

    The focus of this whitepaper is on how e-commerce companies can incentivize their customers to choose a more sustainable delivery option by finding...

    • Student work
  • Changing the Last Mile deliverables for Eindhoven

    Changing the Last Mile deliverables for Eindhoven

    The first part of the minor Last Mile and the City: how to organise a sustainable last mile in an urban environment in 2030 ended with a presentation...

    • Expertise
    • Student work
  • The Ikigai project

    The Ikigai project

    Part of the curriculum of the first-year Logistics students is the Ikigai project. After all, the study programme is not just about theory, but also...

    • Student work
  • [node:title]

    BLOKKO mania in Oman

    The Logistics domain has already been working closely together with MEC, Middle East College (MEC) in Muscat, Oman since 2015 and since 2018 MEC has...

    • Student work
  • BUas students initiate Urban Farming in Breda 

    BUas students initiate Urban Farming in Breda 

    We produce in a city, and we consume in the same city. A self-sufficient model, to reduce unnecessary handling and transportation, and to increase...

    • Expertise
    • Student work
  • The “post-Covid” era of logistics

    The “post-Covid” era of logistics

    Since March 11, 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been recognized as a pandemic by the WHO. The world went into lockdown, borders started to close...

    • Student work