
Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Logistics domain.

Logistics NL
  • [node:title]

    Sustainability scan for transport flows to and from events

    Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), Logistics Community Brabant (LCB), and MOJO Concerts have initiated a study into the transport flows to...

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  • PSV celebration: Innovative crowd measurement by BUas and LCB

    PSV celebration: Innovative crowd measurement by BUas and LCB

    On Monday, 6 May, PSV was celebrated as the national champion of 2024 in the centre of Eindhoven. The Eindhoven municipality organised the event and...

    • Expertise
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  • [node:title]

    I can make much more of an impact now!

    Cindy Martens graduated in Logistics Engineering from BUas in 2019 and went to Tilburg University for no less than two academic masters. But she...

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  • [node:title]

    ‘Deep down, there’s a Brabander in me’

    She started as a communication advisor at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, went on to teach there and – stemming from a strong interest in IT...

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  • Mathijs Oude Vrielink: is cargo hitching feasible in Noord-Brabant?

    Mathijs Oude Vrielink: is cargo hitching feasible in Noord-Brabant?

    My research focuses on cargo hitching, which revolves around optimising transportation by combining goods and passenger flows. The idea is simple yet...

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    • Student work
  • Sjoerd Wagenaar: the real reason why transport companies opt for electric driving

    Sjoerd Wagenaar: the real reason why transport companies opt for electric driving

    My research focused on the actual reasons why Dutch transport companies choose electric trucks. Specifically, I investigated whether these companies...

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    • Student work
  • ‘Good vibes at Bress’

    ‘Good vibes at Bress’

    Martin van Brandwijk, a former Logistics student of Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), recently became chairman of the board at BRESS, a...

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  • [node:title]

    ‘Old School’ meets ‘New Gen’

    At the table with Jan Verheij and Thato Motloung, both closely involved in Logistics education at BUas. Jan has just retired. Thato is a newcomer. An...

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  • Make it feel less like work

    Make it feel less like work

    In 2018 he graduated in Logistics Engineering, he put his heart and soul into his work and suddenly it was over. Tom Ouwendijk on pink clouds, the...

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  • [node:title]

    Streets of the World

    Imagine going to almost two hundred different countries searching the streets for what connects us as human beings. Photojournalist Jeroen Swolfs did...

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  • Working on a fairy tale

    Working on a fairy tale

    ‘Now go and work on your own fairy tale!’ was what Daphne Donkers was told after her work placement at Efteling. And that’s what she did. In addition...

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  • [node:title]

    I have exceeded my own expectations

    Pim de Ridder chose to do a logistics course at NHTV (now BUas) after graduating from havo, and he has the most colourful job he could wish for.

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  • From 'jungle gym' to logistics

    From 'jungle gym' to logistics

    ‘I didn’t see myself jump over the buck in a gym until I retire...’ I am talking to Leo Kemps, director of Logistics Community Brabant (LCB) for just...

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