
Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Logistics domain.

Logistics NL
  • [node:title]

    Event Logistics: analysis for festivals

    In june 2018 2nd year students organised a small closing ceremony relating their profiling project "Event Logistics".

    • Expertise
  • [node:title]

    Medicine worth 180 million thrown away yearly

    What do you do with your unused medicine? Reusable medicine worth €180 million are thrown away on a yearly basis.

    • Expertise
  • BUas introduces autonomous delivery robot

    BUas introduces autonomous delivery robot

    September 2020 marked the start of the practical trial of an electrical and autonomous driving delivery robot at Breda University of Applied Sciences'...

    • Expertise
  • BUas students initiate Urban Farming in Breda 

    BUas students initiate Urban Farming in Breda 

    We produce in a city, and we consume in the same city. A self-sufficient model, to reduce unnecessary handling and transportation, and to increase...

    • Expertise
    • Student work
  • The “post-Covid” era of logistics

    The “post-Covid” era of logistics

    Since March 11, 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been recognized as a pandemic by the WHO. The world went into lockdown, borders started to close...

    • Student work
  • Data communication as digital fuel for the logistic chain

    Data communication as digital fuel for the logistic chain

    An overview, insight and roadmap for profitable digital collaboration.

    • Expertise
  • Smart sensors, the new senses of logistics

    Smart sensors, the new senses of logistics

    Give your business a boost with smart sensors and smart use of data.

    • Expertise